Greeting to everyone ,
welcome to my new blog .. well not technicall my new blog but is still my old blog but if felt new cause of the new colours i put in xP .. erm i hope you all feel
relaxed and
soothing when you visit my new layout blog ^.^ ..
well , erm im back to single again people .. i know your first reaction would be
OMG or
WHAT !! or
WHY ?? or
WHAT HAPPENED ?? cause as you all know i let go someone whom i really dearly loved once and care really really a lot . erm im feeling kinda upsad and dissapointed , but at the same time , i know i have to move on too and live on with my life . now my main piorities will be my studies .
gonna live a new life now ~~ .. and
my journey has just began .. haha lets see :
k 1st thing first , GUESS WHAT ??
i killed a rat !! not only that i disected a rat *
applause ... for those who have know me for quite a long time , i would nenver ever dare to touch a rat or even disecting it !! i felt relived after all the work was done .. bdw
it stinkss la !! the formalin !! i can't stand the smell till when i was having lunch i was so insisting of having western cause i don't want to have meat but at the end .. er well i will recontinue my story .. lets go with the rat experiment ..
So , as i was saying .. when i got my rat , i washed it with
water and my digestive body parts and my repiratory parts still look good and clean as new .. thanks to the formalin i guess but it seriously STINKS !! .. THANK GOD we have the masked if not sure
faint liaoz * pewww boom !! .. i removed out the in
ceacum then the
intestine .. you know the intestine looks like telephone wire haha .. then slowly removed the
kidney .. surprisingly the
kidney was kinda hard and do you know taht .. our
kidney right is not situated at the same position .. if im not mistaken la the left kidney is placed higer position compared to the right kidney , then after that i saw the stomach (
IT LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE THE SCIENCE TEXT BOOK ) .. and do you know that according to the newspaper ..
99% of our features is like rats ?? no wonder when the system and body parts kinda look a like .. i was like
woahhhhhhhhhh !!! ..
anyway , after removing the digestive tract and the kidneys i remoevs the lungs and heart .. Brave
Kah mun help me took out the lungs .. i really admire her bravery la .. she was like so brave you know !! really admire her bravery keke
WAY TO GO KAR MUN !! .. so erm after removing everything .. i said :
i think im done yay !! lolz and
Kim joined in and say
YAY !! well i didn't want to open the head and see the brains and all and i seriously don't want to skin alive the poor rat so i just leave it as it is and wait for the time to balik rumah xP .. it was kinda fun i guess disecting rats , i mean you get to know more about the systems and all la and er learn something from it .. like what
Hui Leng say :
God will never give us something that we can't handle !! amazingly all of us went through it and im kinda happy and glad it was over .. well not really over next week gotta disect again but at least im well prepared i guess hehe xP ..
So after the rat disecting and everything , waited for my dad .. he came and when i got in the car i felt really really really hungry but i really don't want to have meat and the formalin and chlorofooam smell is still stuck in my nose or maybe cause i inhaled it too much till i can get how the smell is like @@ .. well luckyly for now i don't smell it anymore !! .. haha .. o anywnay about lunch thing .. it was like
SO FATED K !! .. i want to eat western so is either
sun yoon long or
neighbourhood cafe and my sister was also dying to eat western .. so we went all around the shop just for western but you know what ??
TUTUP !! O GOSH !! and
NO PARKING !! so we were like =.= and >.< !! and
VERY HUNGRY !! so my dad decided to go du so amazingly right.. i don't know how .. but when we got to D.U cafe ..
there was a car park right infront of the shop so it was liek whoahhhhhhhhhh fated man !! .. and iw as like nooooooooooooooo ..i can't have my western but i guess it was fated taht we can't have western haiz .. so at the end i took pan mee >< .. awwwww man i wasw seriously craving for western la !! i wantd my fish and chips T.T .. i don't want chicken >.< .. so anyway , we had our lunch and everything then got back had my piano class , im learning the song
River flows in you .. if im not mistaken is from the
Twilight movie ..
loved that piece man .. it is so niec to play but i can't really play well and my fingers still hurt T.T gosh !! .. then i fall asleep after piano class .. i don't know how but i was just reseting on the sofa thinking of something then the next thing i know i fall asleep liaoz
zzzZZZZzzzZzZ must be really tired and i bet all of us are really tired ~~ ..
then help with mum with the house chores , had dinner , now im blogging .. still thinking what somemore should i add for my new bloggie hehe xP .. im so gonna sayang my blog for now on because it is all
blueeeeeeeeey !!!