Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

HAPPY GOOD FRIDAY EVERYONE !! .. wohooo !! its good to hear everyone praising the Lord today at CF !! my gosh so fun la today CF me and Zwei was worring about the attendance cause most of them has last minute cancelation T.T .. was talking to Zwei last night .. wow i really knocked out after that was soo soo tired ~~ .. anyway .. today cf got 29 people came !! i was SO AMAZED man !! cause usually is around 10-15 this time 29 !! 29 !! TWENTY- NINE !! people came !! o me gosh !! so happy la !! ahhhhhhhhh !! i really want to thank everyone for making it !!

those old commers that used to come like Julian , Joanna , Sonia , Micheal and Abigale came !! i hope you guyz and girls had fun !! .. anD my dear Ashwini as she promised she brought her sister along wahahhahaha JENANI !! JENANI came !! really happy eveyone was there it was like a reunion you know everyone held hands , shoulder by shoulder , hand in hand and heart to heart hear God words and praise our ALMIGHTY GOD above !! HALLLEEEELUJAH !! ..

Unfortunately , Nigel , Jun mey , my youth leader ( Ruth ) , Cheng Yi couldn't make it cause got something up but we were praying for you guyz =) .. it was awesome la today CF !! i bet Z is gonna agree with me on that !! haha right Z ?? .. ahhhh i so wanna hug someone now so happy la T.T .. anyway .. today at Cf we have special guest too it was Piero and Choong Ern ( i hope i got the spellings correctly ) hehe .. Piero share with us on what Easter is all about and Choong Ern who is on a mission trip to China share about his life .. its erally get getting togather .. can't wait for the next CF and my dear Rachel ( Jenani ) i hope i would be seeing you there next week !! .. Thank you Haswini (Amelia ) for bring your sister along !! its such joy to have everyone togather ^.^

We played a game .. it was really funny till we non stop laughing wakakaka .. and i really wish that more people would come to CF !! and we had this session where you write down on a piece of paper " what separates you from GOD ! " it was like alone time with God you know like each one of us was confessing our sins upon him ~~ .. we need to nail that piece of paper on the woodem board which resembles the Cross ! .. and we end the song with " NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD OF JESUS "

after that , makan time had Aunty Swan home made Handburger ^^ it was delicious xp .. oo i so love her cooking ^.^ and i really thank her for opening the house to CF ! wouldn't for her we wouldn't have shelter and a home to have CF >.< .. Thank God ..

We end the wonderfun Easter Celebration with GROUP PHOTO !! .. hehe xP

Thank you guyz and girls for those who make it and i really hope that you had fun !! lets continue to seek God Grace and Worship him above high !!

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